Post by ♥ Violet Violence ☆ on Jul 18, 2010 17:54:05 GMT -7
~Spells from BTVS~
Debilitating enemies spells: Catherine uses doll surrogates (a voodoo spell?) to debilitate her enemies. For example, when she blinds a doll representing Cordelia, the real Cordelia is blinded. During this ritual, she says, Give me the power. Give me the dark. I call on you, the laughing gods. Let your blackness crawl beneath my skin. Accept thy sacrifice...of Cordelia. Feed on her.
Reversing the spells: Giles and Amy use Dr. Gregory's chemistry equipment and Catherine's spell book. The spell involves another potion which includes eye of newt. Giles mixes the ingredients and recites the spell: The center is dark. Centrum est obscurus. The darkness breathes. Tenebrae respiratis. The listener hears. Hear me! ...Unlock the gate. Let the darkness shine. Cover us with holy fear. Show me... Corsheth and Gilail! The gate is closed! Receive the dark! Be sated! Release the unworthy! Release! Release! RELEASE!
Catherine's spell to put Buffy in the trophy: This spell calls upon a mystical power named Corsheth: I shall look upon my enemy! I shall look upon her and the dark place will have her soul! Corsheth, take her!
The ritual to get Moloch into the book: Thelonius forms a circle with his fellows and reads, Per potere de cuesto circolo de Kayless... Per potere de cuesto circolo de Kayless, ti commando! Viene! Ti commando! Viene! VIENE! Translation: By the power of the circle of Kayless... By the power of the circle of Kayless, I command you! Come! I command you! Come! COME!
Ritual to get Moloch off the Internet: Ms. Calendar forms the circle of Kayless "inside" the computer by setting up a network link with her techno-pagan group. Giles reads the spell, and Ms. Calendar types it into the computer to her group. By the power of the divine, by the essence of the word, I command you... By the power of the circle of Kayless, I command you... Demon, come! I command you! Demon, COME!
Spell to turn children into their costumes Ethan kneels before the statue of Janus again and Janus, evoco vestram animam. Exaudi meam causam. Carpe noctem pro consilio vestro. Veni, appare et nobis monstra quod est infinita potestas. Persona in corpus et sanguinem commutanda est. Vestra sancta praesentia concrescet viscera. Janus! Sume noctem! Translation: Janus, I call upon your spirit. Heed my plea. Seize the night for [as] your plan. Come, appear and show us that which is power infinite. The mask must be transformed into body and blood. By your sacred presence the heart grows greater. Janus! Take the night!
The ritual to restore a sick vampire: In a church during a full moon, the hand of the sick vampire is bound to her sire's. Both are stabbed in the hand, allowing the blood of the sire to flow into the open wound of the ailing vamp. Blood and energy ebb from the sire until he is dead, and the sick vamp is restored. Spike sets up this scene, burning incense and using the Du Lac Cross with a dagger inside of it to create the wounds. He says: Eligor. I name thee. Bringer of war, poisoners, pariahs, grand obscenity. Eligor, wretched master of decay, bring your black medicine. Come. Restore your most impious, murderous child. From the blood of the sire she is risen. From the blood of the sire, she shall rise again.
The Cordy love-spell: Xander sits holding a candle on the floor of the science lab inside a large red "woman" symbol. He has three red vertical stripes painted on his bare chest. Amy twirls Cordelia's locket in a circle over a potion which is boiling in a beaker, reciting her spell. As she does so, mystic energy emanates from the beaker and swirls above it. Xander blows out the candle as the power dissipates. Diana... goddess of love and the hunt... I pray to thee. Let my cries bind the heart of Xander's beloved. She lowers the necklace into the brew, which begins to spark. May she neither rest nor sleep (the brew sparks) until she submits to his will only. Diana, bring about this love and bless it.
Turning Buffy into a rat: Amy's eyes turn pitch-black. She lifts her hands. Goddess Hecate, work thy will. Before thee let the unclean thing crawl! Mystic energy swirls around her. She thrusts her arms out at Buffy, and the energy leaps from her hands, envelops the Slayer, then dissipates. From the sleeve of Buffy's empty raincoat, a rat comes crawling out (see also Gingerbread).
The spell to undo Amy's spells: Giles assists Amy in two spells. After bringing a potion to a boil in the science lab, Amy recites the spell while Giles sprinkles powder into the potion. Goddess of creatures great and small, I conjure thee to withdraw. Hecate, I hereby license thee to depart. This changes Buffy's rat status (see also Gingerbread). Giles then takes a pinch of an herb from a jar and puts it into the potion. He twirls Cordelia's pendant over the brew and drops it in. A powerful swirl of energy appears above them and spirals down into the beaker. Giles Diana, goddess of love, be gone. Hear no more thy siren's song. This stops the love spell.
The ritual to revoke the invitation to vampires: The owner of a private residence can revoke the invitation to a vampire by reciting certain rhyming Latin couplets, burning moss herbs, sprinkling holy water, and hanging crosses. When Angelus tries to enter Buffy's house after Joyce unlocks and opens the door, Buffy and Willow are coming down the stairs. Willow is reading a Latin verse from a book: Hicce verbis consensus rescissus est. Translation: By these words [Angelus'] consent [to enter] is rescinded.
The exorcism of poltergeists: The purpose of the "Mangus-tripod" is to bind the spirit--to keep it from doing harm. Willow, Xander, and Cordelia go to positions around the school that create a triangle. Buffy goes to the balcony where Grace died--James' "hot spot". At midnight, each lights a candle and I shall confront and expel all evil, out of marrow and bone, out of house and home, never to come here again.
Restoring Angel's Soul The ritual of the undead (AKA the gypsy curse) Romania, 1898. The Elder Woman of gypsies sits beneath a tent canopy chanting over an Orb of Thessela within a sacred circle. Reda trupului ce separa omul de animal! Te implor Doamne, nu ignora aceasta rugaminte. Nici mort, nici al fiintei, te invoc, spirit al trecerii! Lasa orbita as fie vasul care-i va transporta sufleutul la el. Asa sa fie! Asa sa fie! Acum! Acum! Translation: Return to the body what distinguishes Man from the beast! I implore you Lord, do not ignore this request. Neither dead, nor of the living, I invoke you, spirit of the passing! Let this orb be the vessel that will carry his soul to him. So it shall be! So it shall be! Now! Now! The glowing Orb gets very bright for an instant, and then goes dark. Angelus' eyes glow briefly, then return to normal. The human soul has been restored to the body. At first, Angel does not remember anything--not the ether where his soul resided, not the 150 years of Angelus' reign. Slowly the "memories" come back to him, though, as he sits where Angelus fell, and he is devastated by them. Sunnydale, 1998. Willow has the Orb of Thessela nestled in a basket within a sacred circle surrounded by candles, bones and stones. She casts some stones onto the tray table above her hospital bed. Cordelia swirls incense in the air and Oz begins to read the Latin incantation. Willow does not get very far into the ritual before she weakens, becomes possessed and begins to chant in Romanian: Quod perditum est, invenietur. Translation: What is lost, return. Nici mort, nici al fiintei, Translation: Not dead, nor not of the living, Te invoc spirt al trecerii Translation: Spirits of the interregnum, I call. Te implor Doamne, nu ignora aceasta rugaminte! Translation: I call on you, God, do not ignore this supplication! Lasa orbita sa fie vasul care-i va transporta, sufletul la el. Translation: Let this Orb be the vessel that will carry his soul to him. Este scris, aceasta putere este dreptul poporuil meu de a conduce. Translation: It is written, this power is my people's right to wield. At this point, the orb begins to glow with the presence of Angel's soul. Asa sa fie! Asa sa fie! Acum! Acum! Translation: So it shall be! So it shall be! Now! Now! The glowing Orb suddenly gets very bright for an instant, and then goes dark. Angelus' eyes glow briefly, then return to normal. Angel's soul has been restored to the body again. It is not clear he ever remembers anything--not the ether where his soul resided, not the four-five months of Angelus' sadistic rampage--before Buffy sends him to hell.
The ritual to reawaken Acathla: Acathla was turned to stone by a virtuous knight who pierced the demon's heart with a sword before Acathla could draw a breath to suck the world into hell. Acathla was buried near the Hellmouth (one wonders what sort of "knight" would have been in southern California in the ancient days referred to. He could have been a Native American warrior or a European or Polynesian explorer). The spell on this enchanted sword is basically this: as long as the sword remains in the demon, the demon is dormant. If the sword is pulled, the demon comes back to life. The sword can only be pulled by someone who has their own blood on their hands and performs the right ritual. Before Buffy arrives, Angelus speaks the following incantation: Acathla, Mundatus sum. Pro te necavi. Sanguinem meum pro te effundam quo me dignum esse demonstram. Translation: Acathla, I have been cleansed. I have kill before you. For you I will pour out my blood, by which I will show myself to be worthy.
The Glove of Myhnegon is a ghoulish clawed hand of metal and leather with steel clamps that pierce the forearm of whoever wears it. Presumably of Gaelic origin, once someone puts it on, it can never be removed. The glove acts something like a laser pistol. It gathers energy from lightening, stores it, then sends it out in a bolt towards its target. Gwendolyn Post extends her gloved arm above her toward the skylight in the Garden Mansion and recites the Gaelic incantation that will invoke the power of the glove: Tauo huogan maqachte milegaing! Translation: Be mine, the power of Myhnegon! Up in the sky above the mansion, lightning and thunder begin. Gwendolyn calls power from the glove: Tauo freim! Translation: Be free!
The Spell to Destroy the Glove of Myhnegon: To "immolate" means to burn in sacrifice, much like ancient cultures would offer up an animal or human for sacrifice. The glove is burnt with a "Living Flame"--a fire that has been fed by various powders (the "catalyst"). We see the spell being performed by Angel. He prepares the catalyst and tosses it into the flames, saying: Exorere, Flamma Vitae. Prodi ex loco tuo elementorum, in hunc mundum vivorum. Translation: Arise, Flame of Life. Come forth from your place of the elements, into this world of the living.
Summoning Anyanka: Giles has a large golden goblet with smoldering ingredients sitting on his desk. He pulls bits of an herb from a bushel and drops them into the goblet, saying: Oh Anyanka, I beseech thee. In the name of all women scorned. Come before me.
The ritual to raise the dead: On a night when the stars have aligned (one assumes this means planets, since stars don't move relative to each other from the Earthly perspective), Jack crouches over the grave of Bob and the others, cuts his hand with a knife, and drips blood on the grave, saying: He calls forth the spirit of Uurthu, the restless. No one shall speak. He shall arise! Hear me... the blood of the earth shall restore him... He shall arise! He shall arise!
Willow casts the Clouding Spell with an incantation in Latin: Obscurate nos non diutius. Translation: Enshadow us no longer and blows out a candle. This momentarily confuses the Jhe-demon, allowing Buffy to overpower her, and Faith to stab her with a sword.
The Spell to bind the Hellmouth: Giles and Willow set up a sacred circle on the area where the Hellmouth opened the last time. They put candles along its edge. Giles reads a Latin incantation from the Hebron's almanac: Terra, vente, ignis et pluvia. Cunctate quattuor numina, vos obsecro. Defendete nos a recente malo resoluto. Omnia... vasa... veritatis! Translation: Earth, wind, fire, rains, linger, O four divinities, I pray you. Defend us from the new freed evil, all [you] vessels of truth.
The spell to restore the amulet: Anya sets down a plate with a drawing of her amulet on it. Willow has provided candles, bones, chicken's feet and other spell ingredients. They first offer a supplication to Eryishon, the endless one (some sort of demon with power over time?), putting their hands out, palms up, fingertips touching: Anya: Eryishon k'shala meh-uhn. Willow: Diprecht, Doh-tehenlo Nu-Eryishon. Both put their hands on a bottle of sacred sand, preparing to pour it onto the plate. Anya (picks up the bottle of sand): The child to the mother. Willow (touching the bottle of sand): The River to the sea. Anya: Eryishon, hear my prayer.
The Breath of the Entropics: The Mayor has the Box of Gavrok protected by a round magic force field. In order to take possession of the Box, Willow performs this standard spell for counteracting such supernatural safeguards. She pours an unknown powder from a glass bottle down towards the Box. The powder falls around the Box without touching it. Willow takes out a spell book and reads: Sis modo dissolutum. Exposco validum scutum. Diutius ne defendas a manibus arcem intendas. Translation: May you immediately be dissolved. I demand that the strong shield give way. Ward off our hands no longer, nor stretch forth your defenses
The spell to reverse a soul-transfer: Giles lights three tall candles and recites a supplication while Willow lights a small candle and burns incense. Elders of the upper reaches, Elders of the lower reaches, Elders of the dry land, Elders of the river flats... Ancients, I beseech you. The soul abstracted, let it revert to its true seat. Let the unnatural vessel be emptied, let the essence be returned to its original host.
The Guiding Spell: This short incantation conjures an emissary from beyond the Earthly plane to light the way for travelers who have become lost or disoriented: Aradia, Goddess of the lost, the path is murky, the woods are dense, darkness pervades. I beseech thee... bring the light.
Bad mojo: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and when Willow discovers Oz and Veruca, naked and entwined on the floor of his cage, she summons the power of the worst minions of hell to feed her vengeance curse--to give the betrayers a life of misery in which they will never know love again. In the chemistry lab of UCS, Willow mixes herbs and powders. She has a flame burning in a bowl nearby: I conjure thee, by Barabas, by Satanas, and the Devil. As thou art burning, let Oz and Veruca's deceitful hearts be broken. She puts the herb mixture in the bowl, which stokes the flame. I conjure thee by the Saracen Queen, and the name of hell. Let them find no love or solace, let them find no peace as well. At this point, Willow is making nearby beakers float. She prepares to throw a picture of Oz in the fire. Let this image seal his fate, not to love, only hate. When she looks at his photo, however, her hatred isn't enough to finish. But that was a little too close for comfort.
The ritual to call forth the warriors of vengeance: Hus takes bones, bows, and arrows, and lays them on the ground, saying: First people who dwell in the Mishupashup, hear me and descend. Walk with me upon the Itiashup again. Hear me also, Nunashush, spirits from below. Creatures of the night. Take human form and join the battle. Bring me my revenge! The incantation appears to call forth both ancestral spirits and demons. The warriors appear in a cloud of green smoke and take up the weapons Hus has gathered from the Cultural Center.
The "I will it so" spell: Willow sits on the restroom floor in a ring of burning candles. Inside with her are four pans representing the ancient elements. She says, Hearken well ye elements, I summon thee now, and puts some herbs in a bowl. Control the outside, control within. Land and sea, fire and wind. Out of my passions, a web be spun. From this eve forth, my will be done. So mote it be. She pours liquid from a goblet into the bowl. Energy moves from the bowl and inflames the candles until they brighten the entire room. The spell is successful, but only works when she's emotionally upset and speaking metaphorically or sarcastically. Her eyes shine briefly with a blue light and what she says comes to pass.
Breaking the spell: Willow appears in a bolt of light in the crypt where her friends are and says: Let the healing power begin! Let my will be safe again. As these words of peace are spoken, let this harmful spell be broken.
The truth spell: To get someone to 'fess up, you wave burning motherwort at them, and say Enemy, enemy be now quiet. Let your deceitful tongue be broken. Let no untruths be spoken. There's probably more involved than that, since Spike didn't spill the whole story about the camouflage guys.
The incantation to summon D'Hoffryn: Anya draws a circle around her self in the sand. Kneeling in the circle, she says, Blessed be in the name of D'Hoffryn. Let this space be now a gateway to the world of Arashmaharr, where demons are spawned. We come in supplication. We bend as a reed in the flow of the... we come in the flow of the... She can't remember all the words, and so is not able to summon D'Hoffryn.
The incantation to ionize the atmosphere: Xander deduces that the dart in Spike's back is a tracer put there by the commandos. In order to block its signal while Giles pulls the device out, Willow reads an incantation. In her right palm, she holds Tara's dolls-eye crystal. Tropo, Strato, Meso Aero, Iono, Exo. Then she reads the Latin and English version of the following: Elements are brought to bear. Wind, Earth, and Water, churned amidst the Fire. Let the air be burned. A jolt of static electricity bolts through the room, making everyone's hair stand on end.
The spell to detect demons: Willow creates a "map" of Sunnydale by putting string into a square with crystals at each corner. Tara and Willow make a supplication to the goddess Thespia: Tara: Thespia, we walk in shadow. We walk in blindness. You are the protector of the night. Willow: Thespia, goddess. Ruler of all darkness, we implore you. Open a window to the world of the underbeing. At this point, the two witches are supposed to blow some sand into the square. When the sands mix, it creates a mist that will light up in different colors corresponding to the species of demons and their locations in the city. Willow blows her sand into the square, but Tara doesn't. She hides her sand under the bed and pretends to blow it. Willow has her eyes closed and doesn't notice. Willow: With your knowledge may we go in safety. With your grace may we speak of your benevolence. Willow opens her eyes to see that the spell has failed.
The spell Willow & Tara use to find Buffy in the Nether Realm Tara uses an oil and dots Willow's forehead, lips, and chest (her chakras?)--this will ground Willow's spirit to her body while part of it enters the Nether Realm. Tara and Willow then sit side by side facing different directions and swing their arms in a semi-circle, creating a full circle around them that begins to flow with mystic energy as they recite the incantation of the ritual over and over: The inward eye, The sightless sea, Ayala flows through the river in me. Willow then enters the Nether Realm.
The confounding spell: Sensus confundatur et aer oppleatur. Caligo absorbeat mentem obscuratam. Translation: Let his senses be confounded and the air filled up. Let darkness absorb his darkened mind. Tara raises her hands and a blinding mist comes forth from them, allowing her to escape from the monster.
The spell to bind the apparitions: In order for Xander and Anya to stop Buffy and Riley, the apparitions must be kept temporarily at bay. Tara, Willow, and Giles sit down at a table with a candle in the center. They take hands, forming a circle. They do not appear to be performing a pre-written spell. Their words are more like impromptu therapy. Tara: Children of the past. Spirits of Lowell. Be guided by our light. Come forth and be known to us. (The apparitions appear). We implore you. Be still. Giles: Find it in your hearts to leave our friends passage. Willow: Transform your pain. Release your past. And get over it. Tara: Find here the serenity you seek, the peace you-- The table blows away as the spirits return to the house to fight Xander and Anya's encroachment on Riley's bedroom.
The joining spell elicits the transmigration. It calls on the power of the Slayers as if that ancient calling were a mystical entity in and of itself. It beseeches this power to allow Buffy's friends to join with her and unite their talents: Spirit. Willow's mystical power. Heart. Xander's impetuous courage. Mind. Giles' esoteric knowledge. Body. Buffy's physical strength. Giles, Xander, and Willow sit down in a circle. Four candles burn within their circle around a magic gourd. Willow incants: The power of the slayer and all who wield it, last to ancient first we invoke thee. Grant us thy domain of primal strength, accept us and the powers we possess. Because mind and heart and spirit join, let the hand encompass us, do thy will. Willow puts Tarot cards in the circle in front of her. Spiritus... spirit She hands one to Xander Xander: Animus... heart She hands one to Giles Giles: Sophus... mind She puts one down representing Buffy, forming a square Willow: And Manus... the hand. We enjoin that we may inhabit the vessel. The hand, daughter of Sineya, first of the ones. We implore thee. Admit us. Bring us to the vessel. The spirits of Willow, Xander, and Giles join Buffy's in her body to perform the paralyzing spell and defeat Adam. Who is "Sineya, first of the ones"?
The Uber-Buffy spells: After Buffy is possessed by the spirits of her friends, she rises, eyes glowing, and begins to speak the Sumerian incantation. sha me-en-dan. Gesh-toog me-en-dan. Zee me-en-den. Oo-khush-ta me-ool-lee-a ba-ab-tum-mu-do-en. Translation: We are heart. We are mind. We are spirit. From the raging storm, we bring the power of the Primeval One. Adam has a machine gun trained on her, but she creates a mystical field to block Adam's bullets. Im-a sheng-ab. Translation: Boil the air. She turns the rocket into doves: Kur. Translation: Change.
Here's the translation of the poem by SAPPHO Willow was writing on Tara's lovely back: Many colored throned immortal Aphrodite, daughter of Zeus, wile-weaver, I beg you with reproaches and harms do not beat down O Lady, my soul. But come here, if ever at another time My voice hearing, from afar You have ear, and your father's home leaving -- golden -- you came.
The incantation to start a fire: Willow says, simply, "Ignis Incende" and poof, the barbecue flames ignite. The Tinkered-With Tinkerbell spell: Willow pulls out a bottle and throws it to the floor. Fiat Lux! Translation: Let there be light! A flame fills the dilapidated school hallway with light. Willow has taken a small spell to create fire and made it extra-flamey. But we might wonder, as Tara seems to, whether Willow's desire to become a more powerful witch is making her careless.
The blind-to-demons spell: Tara incants: Blind Cadria, desolate queen, work my will upon them all Your curse upon them, my obeisance to you. Then she blows a pink powder at the gang. It travels into each of their faces and makes them blind to any physical demonic entities. Tara does not want them to see what she believes is her "demon heritage", but it makes them blind to the Lei Ach demons, and Buffy cannot see Spike when he comes into the magic shop. When they pan Spike and the Lei Ach from Buffy's point of view, right before she goes into the main store, the back room appears empty. Since vampires are demon hybrids, it's likely it would have made other demon hybrids (such as Doyle) invisible to those under the spell as well.
Reversing the blind-to-demons spell: Tara incants: Blind Cadria, lift your veil, Give evil form, and break my spell. Buffy's eyes flash and she can see the demon attack Tara.
The transmogrification ritual: The temple of Sobek (the "Sobekites") was an ancient Egyptian cult who worshiped the reptile demon, Sobek. Their high priest, Khul, forged an amulet with a "transmogrifying" crystal--a conduit that in the hands of someone with great mystical powers can channel magicks that will change a living creature into some other kind of thing. From the markings on the Blood Stone, Giles deduces that Glory is going to perform a ritual to transform a common cobra into a reptile monster. Though the gang does not realize it until later, the snake monster has special powers of sight that allow it "to see what is unseen, to find what is shrouded in shadow." In other words, to locate the Key for Glory. Dreg chants from an ancient scroll in a demonic tongue: The form is vessel, rendered new. The base is stone, bathed in blood. The gem is fire, and elements rarefied. Glory holds the cobra in her hands and incants: Sobek, grant the power, that it may mold this wretched creature, that it may be reborn, that it may serve! She puts the cobra in a stone jar. arise, Arise, ARISE! The cobra transforms into a large (though not Mayor-sized) snake monster, breaks the jar, and is ready to do Glory's bidding. When it finally searches the magic shop, it disables Buffy under a table and looms over Dawn, then turns and leaves rather than attacking her.
The spell that releases Olaf (AKA the spell to create sunshine): Willow wants to enhance a spell that creates light so that it will create simulated sunshine. She mixes incense, hellebore, fleabane, salamander eyes and bindweed together, then speaks an incantation over the ingredients: Spirits of the light, I invoke thee. Let the gloom of darkness part before you, let the moonlight be made pale by your presence. Spirits of light, grant my wishes-- A green circle of light appears and hovers over the urn. This is as far as Willow gets in this very sensitive spell. When Anya speaks in the middle of the incantation, it angers Willow and they get into a squabble. As the fight heats up, the mystical energy dances, glows red, and gets progressively larger. Eventually, it hits a purple crystal sitting under the counter. At this point, Willow tries to get Anya to state her true feelings and yells, Let it out! The non-ritual words disrupt the spell and alter it. There is a flash and the crystal shatters. As Anya explains later, Olaf was trapped in the crystal and released by the spell's wayward energy.
Spell to put Olaf (back) in the crystal: Olaf mentions the original spell, performed by witches after he became a troll. Willow may be doing different spell in the Bronze or perhaps she did the same spell, only wrong. Either way, it didn't work. Willow reads: Let the conjuring be undone, return the beast to native form. Keep it far from us and ours as long as my voice shall sound.
Spell to release Olaf's hammer: To help Buffy in her fight against Olaf, Willow incants: Instrumentum ultionis, telum fabuloso, surge, surge, terram pro voca. Vola cum viribus, dominum tuum nega. Vola! Translation: Tool of vengeance, weapon mythic, arise, arise, defy the earth... Fly with force, deny thy master. Fly! The hammer glows in Olaf's hand and flies out of his grasp.
Spell to send Olaf to the Troll dimension: The final solution to the Olaf problem is not to kill him, but to send him to a dimension where trolls live. We don't hear much of this spell, but it ends with the words: ...and let the transposition be complete. Olaf disappears.
Disappearing and reappearing the cash register: Willow scatters some powder on the counter in preparation for her spell and poof, the cash register disappears in a puff of smoke. To get it back (a little worse for wear), she does a reversal spell, waving her hand and saying, Recursat! Translation: Revert! The second time she makes this mistake, she is trying to disappear Olaf and she throws the powder towards him saying, E conspectu abeat monstrum Translation: Let the monster disappear.
The teleportation spell: Willow and Tara position themselves on opposite sides of the room and chant. When Glory steps between them, they throw a sparkling dust at her. It clings to her skin and clothes. Willow says: Discede! Translation: Be gone! and slams her hands together. Glory disintegrates. Willow is unsure where this will send her. Glory reforms half a mile above the ground and plummets to Earth with a tremendous impact. Giles remarks that the spell was a dangerous one for Willow to perform at her level of magical proficiency.
The spell to raise the dead: Dawn gets a spell book and some potions from Giles' shop and soil from Joyce's grave. Doc tells Dawn that she needs an image of her mother and an egg from a Ghora demon. The egg will give life to the person in the image. The soil may be necessary to point to the location of the deceased. Dawn draws a sacred circle in blood on a sheet on the floor of Joyce's room. She mixes the spell ingredients in a bowl. Then she places the bowl and the photo in the center of the circle. She repeats an incantation three times: Osiris, giver of darkness, taker of life, God of Gods, accept my offering Bone, flesh, breath, yours, eternally Bone, flesh, breath, I beg of you return to me. To reverse the spell, the spell-caster must destroy the image of the deceased. When a not-so-dead Joyce approaches the door of the Summers' house, Dawn rips the picture in half. Buffy opens the door. No one is there.
Incantation to invoke the Guide: Giles tells Buffy about a quest described in the Watcher's Diaries that helps slayers regain their focus and learn more about their role. He takes her to a sacred location in a nearby desert (it is close to the Hellmouth, he explains, because it balances the unholy force of that portal with a force of good). Before the slayer's quest, the watcher performs a ritual that temporarily turns over his/her guardianship of the slayer to a Guide. The Guide leads the slayer to a sacred place whose location is unknown even to the watcher. There the slayer seeks the Guide's wisdom. Giles arranges twigs in a circle on the ground. He steps into the circle, jumps out of the circle, then jumps back in and shakes a gourd. Finally, he sits inside the circle and reads an incantation in Swahili: Nilivyoahidi kulinda na kuongoza, nakupokeza. Mpeleke afike mahali pa usalama na ujuzi. Mpe anavyohitaji. Mwonyeshe njia. Translation: That which I am pledged to guard and guide, I hand over to you. Lead her to a place of safety and learning. Give her that which she needs. Show her the path.
The protection spell: When the minion Slook reveals that Glory is going after Tara, Willow races to find her. She comes upon Glory brain-sucking her girlfriend, but can't get through the crowds between them. Willow begins a spell, but doesn't finish it in time: By force of heart, and mindful power, By waning time and waxing hour, I echo Diana, when I decree, That she I love must now be free. Darkest Magick: The Earth quakes; day turns to night. The locks on Glory's door unbolt. Willow, eyes completely black, sails into the room, invoking the power of the gods: Kali, Hera, Kronos, Tonic... Air like nectar thick as Onyx... Cassiel by your second star... Hold mine victim, as in tar! Glory is stopped in her tracks. Willow makes clear what she's there for: "I owe you pain!" She hits Glory with a bolt of energy, causes her mirror to shatter, and sends a dozen knives flying straight at the god, all with simple commands. She then incants: Spirit of serpents now appear. Hissing, writhing, striking near. A snake coils around Glory's ankle. But the magic only annoys Glory and weakens Willow. Knowing she is defeated, Willow spits in Glory's face. Glory grabs her and prepares to stab her. The barrier spell: Willow's eyes go black with dark energy. She says: Enemies, fly and fall...circling arms, raise a wall! An energy wave explodes out, knocking the Knights off their feet. They are now unable to breach the gang's gas station refuge for at least half a day unless the Knights' clerics use some sort of counter-magic.
Dissipating the barrier: We don't hear all of this incantation, but it begins: Hear... hear my plea... circling arms protecting me... When Willow is finished, the barrier is gone.
Reconnecting the dead pay phone: Willow utters a brief incantation: Discharge and bring life!
Anointing the Key: Glory's high priest minion marks Dawn's forehead with ash and says in Czech: At je Klic vynat z teto smrtelne podoby, budiz zruseno jeho prokleti ... Translation: Let the Key pour forth from this mortal the Magicks be Undone, and ... The rest must wait until Glory's in the mood.
Successfully Raising the dead is never an easy thing to do. When Dawn attempted to raise her mother, Joyce's body rose, but it was probably a spiritless reanimated corpse, rather than the mother Dawn had loved. That iffy ritual was a piece of cake compared to the ritual Willow performs to raise Buffy. Willow believes Buffy has a better chance than Joyce because while Joyce died of natural causes, Buffy was killed by a mystical energy. This makes her a good candidate for the supplication to Osiris. This spell must be performed when Mercury is in retrograde. It also requires an Urn of Osiris. Anya locates the last known urn from a desert gnome in Cairo. ...Osiris isn't an evil god -- he's the Egyptian god of the dead. He controls the comings and goings from the underworld. Therefore, Willow's magick was concentrated on exhorting Osiris to release Buffy's soul (Devon, 05:50:16 10/03/01). They now have all of the ingredients except one, the vino de madre ("wine of the mother"). Willow goes out into a meadow and puts a blanket on the ground. She pours powder from a bottle onto the ground while saying the ritual words to call out a sacrifice: Adonai, Helomi, Pine Adonai, Helomi, Pine Gods do command thee from thy majesty O Mappa Laman, Adonai, Helomi Come forward, blessed one, know your calling. Come forward, blessed one. A fawn appears from behind a tree. Willow stabs it in the heart and takes its blood for the ritual. She then thanks the sacrifice for its offering: Child of Elomina, accept our humble gratitude for your offering In death you give life May you find wings to the kingdom. At midnight, Willow, Xander, Anya and Tara kneel in a circle around Buffy's grave. Willow holds the urn of Osiris. The other have burning candles. Willow incants, Osiris, keeper of the gate, Master of all fate Hear us She pours the vino de madre in the urn and then reaches in the urn and marks her forehead and cheeks with blood. Before time, and after Before knowing and nothing She spreads the rest of the vino de madre on Buffy's grave. Accept our offering, Know our prayer. After she puts the urn down, knife wounds appear on her outspread arms. Tara tells the others it is a test Willow must endure as the invoker of the ritual. Osiris, here lies a warrior of the people. Let her cross over Several round egg-shaped objects appear under her skin and crawl from her wounds to her neck. Osiris, let her cross over! The objects fuse together and travel up her throat. Willow regurgitates a snake. Red and gold mystical energy starts to swirl around her. Osiris, release her!
The spell to make the demon corporeal: In order for Buffy to fight the demon, it must be made corporeal (see also Ethros demons and the Thesulac). Willow and Tara sit on the floor facing each other holding hands. They chant together, Child of words, hear thy makers, child of words, we entreat. With our actions did we make thee, to our voices wilt thou bend. With our potions, thou took motive, with our motions, came to pass. We rescind no past devotions, give thee substance, give thee mass. Tara repeats the incantation as Willow goes into a trance surrounded by mystical light. Then Willow utters one word, "solid!" The demon is united with its body and Buffy beheads it with an ax.
Time-loop: Jonathan produces a piece of parchment with writing on it and sets it on fire. He puts it in a bowl in the center of a circle consisting of himself, Andrew, and Warren. Andrew and Warren must hold hands. Jonathan waves his magic bone over the bowl and says Opus orbit est Et ea in medio Tempus ad calcum intendet! The burning parchment starts to smoke. The tabula rasa spell: Willow lays a sprig of Lethe's bramble in Buffy's fireplace and sets it on fire. She incants: For Buffy and Tara, this I char, Let Lethe's bramble do its chore. Purge their minds of memories grim, Of pains from recent slights and sins. She puts the tip of a small crystal in the flame. As the flame dies, the crystal will grow black, absorbing the power of the spell from the flame. When the fire burns out, when the crystal turns black, the spell will be cast. Tabula Rasa, Tabula Rasa, Tabula Rasa. Willow pockets the crystal, but in her haste to go to the latest Scooby meeting, leaves a large bag of Lethe's bramble on the hearth of the fireplace. Giles has called the meeting to tell everyone that he's leaving. Back at Buffy's, a spark flies out from the fireplace and sets the entire bag of Lethe's bramble on fire. As Buffy attempts to explain to her friends what she's been going through, the fire burns out and the crystal in Willow's pocket turns black. The spell kicks in. Rather than effecting just Tara and Buffy, the whole gang faints.
Breaking the Tabula Rasa spell: A vampire attacks the gang in the sewers, throwing Willow and Tara to the ground. Willow's crystal falls out of her pocket. As Willow and Tara close in for smootchies, Xander steps on the crystal (where the power of the spell resides) and breaks it, ending the spell.
The Magic Box spells: Vampires also lay siege to the Magic Box. Anya reads from a magic book: "Bara bara himble gemination" A bunny appears. Every new spell she uses to get rid of it (e.g., "Hible abri, abri voyon") creates a new rabbit. Soon she has a room full of them. Her spell also creates a green cloud and an animated skeleton. Giles finds another book and whispers, "Fata, venga, mata, warel" In a flash of light, all of Anya's spells are undone and the vampires disappear.
De-ratting Amy: Willow has been trying for three years to find a spell to de-rat Amy, with no success. Now she is powerful enough to tell the spell to find her instead. "Rivili!" she says. A piece of parchment appears with the spell: Cio che fu non e piu Cio che fu fatto, disfa Passato e il pericolo, Finita e la prova Metti a cose a posto Willow reads the spell outloud. The rat transforms back into the human Amy. In rat form, Amy seems to have had a rat's instincts and level of awareness. She was also unaware of the true passage of time.
The cerebral dampener is a metallic sphere half the size of a baseball. Like the invisibility ray, it is a Trio gadget powered by both technology and magic. The magical elements in this case are a fresh musk gland of a hombja'moleev demon and a yellow powder that together are enchanted by a spell. In Latin, Jonathan says: Doma voluntatem, libera cupidinem. Erunipe, ignem excita. Translation: Tame the will, release desire. Spring forth, fuel the fire. The gland releases mystical energy that hits the cerebral dampener. The cerebral dampener is on-line.
Fighting the demon: When Buffy traps her friends in the basement with the GGK demon, they try to fight it off without the use of their hands. Then Tara arrives at Buffy's house and hears a noise in the basement. She runs down and sees what is happening: Eximete!!! Translation: Release!!! The ropes on her friends untie themselves. The demon turns on Tara. Vis Zenobiae! Solvere! Translation: Might of Zenobia! Unleash! Shelves fly and knock the demon over. Buffy trips Tara on the stairs. Xander and Willow struggle against the demon, but they are losing. Only Buffy can save them now.
The spell to locate Warren: Willow goes to Tara's dorm room with the shirt that is covered with Tara's blood. She lays it on the floor and says, Blood of the slain, hear me. Guide me to Tara's killer. Mystical energy gathers around Willow and the shirt. The blood on the shirt shifts to form a map of Sunnydale. The point on the map where Warren is starts to glow.
The protection spell: Anya has a book of protection spells in a locked box behind the counter at the Magic Box. She protects Jonathan and Andrew, and later Buffy, from Willow by chanting low in Sumerian out of eye-shot from Willow: Translation: Shield around us, never broken, shield surrounds us, keep us from harm.
The binding field: When Willow starts up a spell to attack Giles, he raises his arm and says, "Vincire!". A green energy field leaves his hand and wraps itself around Willow like an innertube.
The ritual to burn the world: The followers of Proserpexa tried to end the world by funneling the Earth's life force into the effigy of Proserpexa and then using that force to turn the Earth into a cinder. Before they could succeed, however, they were killed in an earthquake (1932 - not the same one that trapped the Master, which was in 1937). Willow raises the temple of Proserpexa out of the ground and begins an incantation: From the pit of forgotten shadows... Awaken, Sister of the Dark... Awaken and-- Buffy's determination to stop her brings Willow to a halt, but as soon as she has Buffy busy with other things, she continues: Proserpexa... Let the cleansing fires from the depths burn away the suffering souls... And bring sweet death. Willow funnels the energy of the Earth into herself and then out towards the the effigy of Proserpexa. The effigy glows red and the Earth shakes. The ground around the temple starts to scorch in an ever-widening circle.
a protection spell Protect me, goddess. In thy name, I supplicate myself. Take the powers from my enemy and lay him lower than the lowest field..."
The sacrifice to Avilas: A group of boys wearing red robes and holding white candles form a circle. Their leader holds a meat cleaver at Cassie's throat. "Extinguish" he says. The boys pinch out their candles. The leader incants: Almighty Avilas, please accept our sacrifice Please appear before us, oh mighty soldier of the dark Please appear before us, and grant us with infinite riches And we will pay you with our sacrifice We kneel before you with the gift of flesh At this point in the ritual, the demon Avilas is supposed to appear, but he takes a few minutes to show up.
The spell to summon D'Hoffryn: Willow has an amulet to summon D'Hoffryn, It was given to her to use if she ever decided to take him up on his offer to become a vengeance demon. But Willow has no such desire. She just wants to talk to him about Anya. In the bathroom, she pours red sand on the floor in a circle and says, beatum sit in nomina D'Hoffrynis She picks up the amulet fiat hoc spatium porta ad mundum Arashmaharris Light blazes. D'Hoffryn appears and says, "Behold D'Hoffryn. Lord of Arashmaharr." He recognizes Willow immediately. He is well aware of her recent vengeance against Warren and assumes she wants to be part of his fold.
The gender-reassignment spell Willow sits down next to a small rug. The rug has four candles surrounding a bowl with crystals in it. She incants: Oh Hecate, I call on you, I humbly ask your will be done. Mystical energy swirls out of the bowl of crystals. Hear my request: a simple change Create a daughter from a s-- This is as far as she gets. Xander interrupts the spell.
The spell to cast out a ghost: Dawn sits on the living room floor with white candles in front of her. She sprinkles ingredients from a bowl onto the ground. A force slams her back against the wall. She continues the spell: I cast you from this place. It is your poison and your bane. A gash appears on her face. It is the skin that is cut from your flesh! A strong wind blows out all the candles. The living room window shatters. Dawn stands up. I cast you out with every prayer from every god that walked the Earth and crawled beneath. She is thrown again. Her mouth is bleeding. I cast you out with the strength of those who love me. She stands. I cast you out with the strength I have inside me! I cast you out into the void! The wind stops. More blood spatters on the walls, then fades.
Beljoxa's Eye is a demonic oracle that exists in a dark, windy dimension. It cannot see the future, but it can impart wisdom about the past and present. Only demons can pass through the gateway to Beljoxa's dimension. Because Anya is an ex-demon once again, she cannot gain entrance by herself. She uses her contacts in the demon world to help her and Giles get in. Her old acquaintance Torg produces a small sharp talisman from under the skin of his hand and raises it towards the back of the alley where they are standing. He incants: Ek'vola mok't Beljoxa do'kar A portal opens in a bloom of mystical energy. Giles and Anya pass through it. There, they encounter a large, grotesque demonic eye that is covered in other, smaller eyes. Beljoxa's Eye floats in small spheroid cage suspended on chains.
The protective barrier: When the Turok-han forces its way into the Summers' house, Willow incants: Caerimonia, Minerva Saepio, Saepire, Saepsi, Saepio Impedimentum! A force field goes up. Willow's eyes are black.
The potential locator spell: Willow's wiccan source Althanea tells her that there is another potential slayer, and that she lives in Sunnydale. Willow does a spell to identify this girl. The spell is designed to conjure up a brilliant light that will find the new potential and illuminate her with a glowing aura. Willow sits down in front of the fire place and throws various ingredients into the fire as she says their names: To light the aura of the new: skin of snake and chrysalis too. To indicate the fresh reborn: tumbleweed and rosebush thorn. An egg that means the life to come Take this, oh Spirits, and my spell is done. A shimmering ball of light floats up from the fire place and hovers in the middle of the living room, reeking of burnt egg.
The ritual of the reverse exchange: Buffy has disappeared through a portal that promptly vanished. It is the gang's job to get that portal, and then Buffy, back. Willow has to make up most of the ritual to do this based on the metaphysical principles of magic. She pours sand in a circle to create a barrier for the portal. Then she sits down in the center of the circle. She incants: Via temporis iam clamo ad te. Via spatti, te jubeo aperire. Aperi! Nothing happens. Willow turns to make a comment to her friends. Then power suddenly bursts from her, throwing Kennedy and Dawn back. Willow's eyes go black. She screams. She continues: Via concursus tempus, spatium Audi me ut imperium And still, nothing happens. Willow is holding back, afraid to risk the darkness that can come with the use of strong magic. Finally, in frustration, she relents. She reaches out and takes power from the two strongest people nearby her--Anya and Kennedy--and opens the portal. Xander pulls Willow out of the circle. Then they reverse what happened when Buffy disappeared through the portal. Spike throws the demon in, and Buffy returns. The portal disappears.
The Prokaryote Stone is a talisman that performs a "magical" form of psychotherapy. It enters the cerebral cortex through the optic nerve and unleashes memories that are subconsciously effecting a person's behavior. The First Evil brainwashed Spike to kill on command. Giles hopes this talisman will reveal the trigger that sets Spike off, and then disarm it. The gang chains Spike to the wall in the basement. Willow approaches him, incanting: Kun'ati belek sup'sion Bok'vata im kele'beshus Ek'vota mor'osh boota'ke The stone grows soft and worm-like. It crawls into Spike's brain. There, it triggers three successive visions of the past, but not all at once. The first vision occurs while the stone is still inside Spike. The other two happen after the stone drops out. During the visions, Spike is essentially disabled and unaware of the outside world.
The Turkish conjuration was a spell used by the ancient Turks used to communicate with the dying. It allows people who can no longer talk to speak through another. Dawn suggests using the spell on the mute Bringer, and Willow reads the incantation: Kendinizi çok uykulu hissetmeye bashliyorsunuz. Çok uykulu, çok uykulu. Gözlerinizin önünde sallamak için cep saatim yok ama, sizin de gözleriniz yok. Konusun bizimle. Andrew serves as the conduit for the Bringer.